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Duplicate File Detective Help

Navigation: Duplicate Results

Context Menu

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Right-clicking within the Duplicate File Detective result report will cause a context-specific menu to appear. Different context menus will appear depending upon whether you click a duplicate file group, or one of the duplicate files within a group.


Context menu functions include:


SmartMark - These are extensions to our powerful SmartMark technology that are duplicate file specific. These provide a broad range of marking capabilities such as marking all files in the same group, marking files in the same (or other) folder(s), and more.

Open file - Opens the currently selected file with the default Windows associated file.

Rename file - Allows the selected file to be renamed.

Explore folder - Opens Windows explorer and shows the folder containing the currently selected file.

Exclude parent folder from future searches - Adds the parent folder to the search exclusions listing.

Move marked item(s) - Provides a facility for moving any currently marked files.

Zip marked item(s) - Provides a facility for zipping (e.g. compressing) any currently marked files.

Delete marked item(s) - Provides a facility for deleting any currently marked files.

Remove selected item(s) from report - Prunes selected file entries from the report without removing them from the file system.

Cmd prompt here - Opens a command prompt window within the containing folder.

Copy path(s) to clipboard - Copies the full duplicate file path to the Windows clipboard.

Copy marked path(s) to clipboard - Copies all marked paths to the Windows clipboard.

Compute file hash - Starts the file hash calculator with the selected duplicate file paths.

Properties - Displays Windows file properties window.

Filter search results by - Allows search results to be filtered by various duplicate file properties.


Tip: Multiple duplicate files can be selected by holding down the Ctrl or Shift keys while clicking.