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Duplicate File Detective Help

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File Dates

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During the duplicate file search process, every file's date/time stamp is examined and compared against the settings defined in the File dates section of the Search Filtering docking panel.


File date comparison options include:


Include all dates - No file date filtering is performed. This is the default.

Modified within last week - Include only files with a date stamp that occurs within the last week.

Modified within last month - Include only files with a date stamp occurring within the last month.

Modified with last year - Include only files with a date stamp occurring within the last year.

Specify date range / type - More info below...


If you select the last option (specify date range / type), a drop-down box will be enabled that allows you to choose the file date / time stamp type used during comparison operations. Choices include date modified, date created, and date accessed. You will also be able to define the specific date range within which file date / time stamps must fall in order to be included in the duplicate comparison process.